Wholesale and Bulk Orders

If you are a dog food manufacturer or a brand interested in increasing your range or enhancing existing products, Seaweed For Dogs offer seaweed blends using European seaweed and seaweed from around the world, to bring our customers the best blends suited for their needs.  

Seaweed is one of the world's greatest superfoods and seaweed as a nutritional supplement for dogs can form an essential part of their diet. Packed with proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals seaweed is far more nutrient dense than many vegetables that grow on land. There are thousands of different varieties that grow in ocean's all over the world, each with their own unique nutritional qualities. 

Seaweed for Dogs can offer the best of red, green and brown seaweeds with their unique nutrient profile, which will enhance your products and set them apart from your competitors.

We have our own blends but can also provide blends to suit your needs. 

Please get in touch to find out why you should be using seaweed blends in your products and how they truly harness the power of the sea.

For wholesale and bulk orders you can contact us through the below channels:

Email: stockists@seaweedfordogs.com

Chat: Click on the Chat button in the corner of the screen