Kelp For Dogs - Is It Good? Discover The Benefits & Uses
![An adventurous dog swims through a kelp forest underwater, illuminated by dappled sunlight. The dog appears in profile, with its fur patterns of white and brown and a collar visible, lending a sense of exploration. The surrounding kelp has a rich golden-brown hue, and the water's surface ripples with light, creating a dynamic and natural underwater scene.](
There have been a number of recent studies to prove that we should all be feeding our pets a vegetable based diet. Sea vegetables such as seaweed or sea grass are nutrient rich in amino acids, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients such as lycopene and carotenes. Most of the seaweeds and grasses recommended for your pets are considered whole foods, meaning they can be fed on a daily basis. Of these whole foods, seaweed is considered the most beneficial for your dog because they do not require cellulose to encircle the cell wall, which is difficult for dogs to digest. The average protein content of seaweed is as high as 25% while the fat content is only 2%. Feeding your animal seaweed has the same effect as taking vitamins and food supplements, like so many humans do every morning, but in a more natural form. Kelps are one of the most densely nutritious plants rich in minerals and amino acids, essential for a strong immune system and also darkens coat color and skin pigment. Seaweeds are also rich in iodine and support the endocrine glands which is how the thyroid functions.
![Underwater view of a towering kelp forest with sunlight filtering through the water's surface, casting beams of light that create a radiant underwater scene. The kelp fronds are highlighted in shades of golden yellow and green, swaying gently in the current. No marine animals are in sight, focusing the image solely on the natural beauty of the sunlit kelp and the tranquil blue of the surrounding sea](
Kelps are large seaweeds, otherwise known as algae. There are 30 different types of genera, all belonging to the brown seaweed family. Kelps grow in 'underwater forests in shallow oceans. They require nutrient rich waters with temperatures between 6-14 degrees Celsius. They are most well known for their high growth rate and being packed full of vitamins and nutrients that are incredibly good for your immune system. Some kelps can grow up to half a meter a day, ultimately reaching 30- 80 meters. This brown marine plant contains vitamins A, B, E, D and K, and studies have shown that a dog displays significant physical changes in coat, weight and skin after a kelp based diet after just 6 months. Many long time dog owners will understand how devastating it is to bring your beloved animal to the vet for a check up, only to be told that your dog is riddled with cancer or tumors . Adding kelp into your animals diet can reduce the risk of cancer and or tumor growths significantly as it contains anti-tumor properties. Not only is kelp good for preventing cancer, but it is also good as a post cancer diet as it is believed to fight heavy metal accumulations in the body by binding to them, which is essential for after cancer treatment.
Why buy kelp dog food products from Ireland?
Kelp grows all over the world with particularly high amounts being farmed in Norway, Chile, California, Tasmania and South Africa. And then there is the little green Isle of Ireland with an impressive goal worth in Irish harvesting of €30 million to be reached in by 2020 if we keep our kelp farming under well managed and monitored harvesting. So what makes Irish kelp better than the others? The main reason Ireland is the perfect place to harvest kelp is because of its distinctive weather and geographical conditions. First and foremost, Ireland has a warmer Atlantic coast because of our proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. That slight drift of warmer water is exactly what kelp needs to grow. Ireland has a more diverse marine life than that of Northern countries and our waters are less polluted because of the low flow of marine traffic circulating our waters. Another element which makes Irish waters perfect for the growth of kelp is the impressive reef habitats in the Aran Islands and at Achill Heads, encouraging reproduction of natural minerals and underwater plant life in the surrounding seas.
![A serene view of an Irish kelp forest, with beams of light piercing through the water to illuminate the lush green and yellow hues of the kelp. The forest creates an almost ethereal atmosphere as the light plays off the intricate textures and shapes of the underwater flora. The scene is a testament to the vibrant, yet tranquil underwater ecosystems found along the coast of Ireland.](